Horowitz says, "The capture and destruction of al-Qaeda's training camp in Northern Iraq irrefutably shows that Iraq is part of the Axis of Evil that includes al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden." Well, not really, for you see, that camp is in KURDISH TERRITORY. How many times do we have to repeat this? It's in Kurdish territory, the same Kurds who are supposedly on our side, and the same ones we're supposedly "liberating". The same territory that Saddam hasn't controlled for years. Horowitz goes on to ask a few rhetorical question. Well, he thinks they're rhetorical. I'm going to answer them.
Why would Osama bin Laden call for a holy war on behalf of an infidel like Saddam Hussein if Saddam wasn't his terrorist ally?Because bin Laden didn't call for a holy war on behalf of Saddam. He called it on behalf of Iraq. Remember, bin Laden defends any muslim against foreign aggression, regardless of the reason. Bin Laden hates Saddam.
Why would Saddam Hussein impersonate an Islamic paladin if he hadn't joined the Islamic jihad?Same reason the Saudi royal family does - popular appeal.
Why would he risk housing an al-Qaeda camp?He wouldn't, and he didn't. There are zero Al Qaeda camps in any region controlled by Saddam.
These are rhetorical questions. No rational person could doubt at this point that the coalition cause is necessary and just.No rational person would resort to this sort of demagoguery. Read this piece and be afraid, because this is what it means to be "conservative" these days, even though there's nothing conservative about these people.