My wife and kids are alive because they were driving a Suburban. They were stopped in a traffic jam when they were rear-ended by a semi truck going at full tilt. It knocked them 200 feet off the road and totally destroyed the rear half of the vehicle, but my family walked away with minor injuries.
So...... I'll drive the biggest land yacht I can afford for the rest of my life, and any skinny bearded wierdo who doesn't like it can KISS MY ASS, right in the groove.
It's this kind of attitude that makes me dislike SUV drivers. In this situation the guy came out okay because he was the one who got hit. But what if you're the one doing the hitting? I see college students barreling down the road in their Excursions and Tahoes all the time. I once got hit from the side by a young driver. Luckily, she was driving a small car. If she had been driving an SUV, I would have been seriously hurt. Driving an SUV for safety reasons is inconsiderate to everybody else. It's your safety at the expense of theirs.
I think these libertarians defend SUVs as a knee-jerk reaction to those who like to control others. Many SUV-haters want to use the government to regulate the automobile industry as they see fit. Of course I am against this, but that doesn't mean I have to defend SUVs. Using social pressure to minimize SUV use and educating the public about SUV dangers are good if they are done by private citizens. If you get trapped into defending every bad habit, you will fall right into the hands of those who claim libertarians don't care about the common good.